About the blog and myself

I enjoy technology and gadgets, but I feel that I’ve been spending way too much money in 2014 on purchasing gadgets that I am not getting full use out of.

So as part of a 2015 resolution, I have decided to journal and review all the stuff I buy. My disclaimer is that this will only apply to items that cost more than $25, although I may review items of lower cost if I feel it warrants a discussion / opinion.

This will help me determine if I had gotten sufficient value out of it (through use), and if it has lived up to expectations.

I try not to impulse buy (but it happens from time to time), and do research extensively before putting my money down. I am always looking for good value, and sometimes that means buying second hand / pre-loved. I am also always selling stuff on Carousell or HWZ as a means to fund my next batch of purchases.

I will also be sharing good deals that I come across online which are probably worth jumping on.

Thanks for reading and do leave me a comment if you have any feedback.

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